Friday, November 16, 2018



Holiday Release! Jesus the Ultimate SuperheroThe Answer to Finding Peace
With much of the world in turmoil and our nation deeply divided, many are looking for a superhero “to save the day.” In Shirlee Hall’s new book, “Jesus the Ultimate Superhero,” Hall says we need look no further than to scripture and ourselves.Drawing on Jesus’s words and her own spiritual experiences, Hall writes how we can be the super heroes and heroines we seek.
“Jesus is the ultimate superhero and role model,” says Hall. “By following his example of love and wisdom, we can awaken to our true identity and powers to fulfill our purpose of creating heaven on earth. We are the super heroes that can, and must, save ourselves and save the world.”
Several years ago after laying hands on a stranger, Hall was given the command to “Gather my Sheep!” and resurrect what it means to be a true follower of Jesus. For a long time, she ignored the command, essentially asking “Why me, Lord,” until Hall realized she could not rest until she obeyed. The book “Jesus the Ultimate Superhero” is the result of Hall’s commitment to share anew the words of Jesus and how, by following his example, we can find peace within and bring peace to the world.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018



Ephesians 4:29
“Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.”
The above quote is politely addressing the subject of bullying. We who genuinely hold a higher vision face intense opposition not only from outside influences, but the falsity we accumulated in both our everyday thinking and the subconscious part of the mind. It appears that many are reacting from their animal nature rather than tapping into the goodness within and the ability to create remarkable life changes now. The world and humanity is in crisis.  Corrupted thoughts, words and actions are not from a hero consciousness. I could add pages of quotes and relate them to our everyday life if need be. The point of my comments is to encourage thinkers and doers to be aware that to evolve and reflect a heightened awareness, we need to pay close attention to what is being sorely missed by the masses.
Too many people are trapped in the opinions, programming and smallness of the emotions and a mind of a limited awareness. The habit of judging another is rampant.  It is time abuse cease on every level.  What is needed is a greater understanding and a genuine attitude of decency. People who are not ready to ascend, to live a teaching of brotherhood, exist at a lower level of the ladder, so to speak. They cannot change, because they are trapped in an ego-centered consciousness. Those who resonate to the super hero consciousness must remind themselves of the wisdom and love exemplified by Jesus. We will regain hope and have a solid guidepost in his words and actions when we adopt them as our own; his guidance will lead us to the Light of a higher understanding and love. The Divine lives in an awakened heart-energy, an energy that is sorely missing in those who choose to harm on any level. Hope is waiting behind the heart. Choosing to live the suggestions given to us will support self-renewal. A change in consciousness is required, a revolt against everything we have accepted, but is no longer working nor true. The change comes from within. It is our choice.

Monday, November 12, 2018



ANOTHER VIEW  (excerpt from my New Release this month 'Jesus the Ultimate Superhero'

Deuteronomy 29:29

“The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.”
What is this superhero that we are destined to become?

As Jesus was both a man and a Christ reflecting the Love of God, we too, through our choices can also make our mind and body fit to be a temple of love and the Holy Spirit. Many of us feel we have been held back by cultural conditioning and religious programming. Instead, we would rather allow our higher Self to prevail and walk a path where we easily, and with love, speak words and take actions that are proof of our superhuman hidden self. We were given a pattern that leads us through a cleansing of the body and the mind-soul, clearing the way for the spirit of Truth to blot out the ignorance and harm that we have clung to for so long. It is the hidden Christ Consciousness that we were given and we secretly seek.

The disease and discord everywhere is the result of people not recognizing that love is the genuine blessing that waits patiently within. It cannot be understood by reasoning powers, but is revealed through the intuitive and awakened heart.

The view that is needed to uplift mankind is acceptance of our True inner worth. The God of us is the power and presence that is worthy and needs to be  acknowledged, expressed and given priority in our lives. The inner child has been ignored far too long. Accept that you, the real you, that existed prior to your physical life is worthy and is waiting patiently to express itself in all its wonder and beauty.




Holiday Release! Jesus the Ultimate Superhero
The Answer to Finding Peace

With much of the worldin turmoil and our nation deeply divided, many are looking for a superhero “to save the day.” In Shirlee Hall’s new book, “Jesus the Ultimate Superhero,” Hall says we need look no further than to scripture and ourselves.Drawing on Jesus’s words and her own spiritual experiences, Hall writes how we can be the super heroes and heroines we seek.

“Jesus is the ultimate superhero and role model,” says Hall. “By following his example of love and wisdom, we can awaken to our true identity and powers to fulfill our purpose of creating heaven on earth. We are the super heroes that can, and must, save ourselves and save the world.”

Several years ago after laying hands on a stranger, Hall was given the command to “Gather my Sheep!” and resurrect what it means to be a true follower of Jesus. For a long time, she ignored the command, essentially asking “Why me, Lord,” until Hall realized she could not rest until she obeyed. The book “Jesus the Ultimate Superhero” is the result of Hall’s commitment to share anew the words of Jesus and how, by following his example, we can find peace within and bring peace to the world.

Jesus the Ultimate Superhero (ISBN is 978-0-578-41238-2) is a 6x9”, approximately 178-page paperback book published by RealityIsBooks. Individual copies are available through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Shirlee Hall’s online store at can purchase through Ingram Content Group and other authorized book industry wholesale sources. Retailers without industry accounts can make purchases of five or more books directly from RealityIsBooks by contacting Jim Loftus at or 847-776-8528.


About Shirlee Hall

Shirlee Hall, in the service of Divine Love, is a reverend, teacher, workshop leader, spiritual consultant, healing practitioner, public speaker and author. She views herself as a synthesizer, drawing from many teachings and spiritual beliefs.

Hall’s primary focus is healing, including the body, mind and soul. Her mission is spreading love and compassion. Based on her understanding of life’s highest purpose and plan, she teaches the importance of acknowledging our true spiritual identity and our destiny to create peace on earth and goodwill toward all.

Also by Shirlee Hall

Adventures in Consciousness – Marvels – Mysteries – Miracles, 2018, 121 pages, Paperback and Kindle
Circle of Light revisited, 2017, 209 pages, Paperback
Baba – A Magical Cat with a Message, 2016, 114 pages, Paperback
Trapped: Visitor from Heaven, 2015, 194 pages, Paperback and Kindle
The Three Persuasions – A Tale for Inquisitive Souls, 2013, 32 pages, Paperback and Kindle
My Own Tree: A Healing Experience, 2010, 51 pages, Paperback
BE – Embracing the Mystery, 2007, 301 pages, Paperback, Hardcover and Kindle
On a Clear Day You Can Go Home, 1997, 26 pages, Paperback      
Circle of Light, 1982, 183 pages, Paperback

Shirlee Hall Online:

Saturday, February 18, 2017



One of the many definitions is that Satan is the origin of evil and the enemy of God.
Many of us are waking up to the fact that the duality we exist in has been leaning more toward the negative than the positive.   What some humans do not yet realize is that we cannot take anything for granted.  The stronger we become in God Realization, the more negation attempts to influence us.
It is becoming more and more obvious that negativity and in many cases an extreme expression of it is a dominant energy in all areas of human life.  The various religions have always taught the principle of Brotherhood, respect for our dear earth and all life.  Right now, there are forces brazenly undermining the foundation of all philosophies and religions.
The Dark Forces thrive in minds that are depressed, hateful and negative.  Thought forms create disasters, disease, and death.    Isn't it time all lovers of truth consciously look at what is actually happening and not allow negative people and devious power games to negate our spiritual awakening and success?
All masters, teachers, mystics, world’s greatest writer, poets, artists and genuine ministers of truth write and speak of the dark forces ongoing attempts to force us to give up our goal to actually achieve peace on earth and brotherhood toward all.  Right now, Darkness is being given too many opportunities to control and rule planet Earth and her unsuspecting life.
Don’t kid yourselves.  We are watched and watched carefully.  In our struggle to be fully conscious and genuine, our struggles are watched, our fumbles and falls laughed at.  Every setback we have pleases the dark ones.  These beings whether in the flesh or in a subtle body are shrewd and use power for selfish means.  They stand for everything that is the opposite of love, wisdom, and light.  Everyone who is sensitive and genuinely cares must master the senses and remain on high alert.
The more we awaken to a higher Reality others will follow.  Do not become careless.  A battle of will is going on and few suspect it.   Right now, it is becoming obvious that we are living in a den of thieves.  Although we have an army of Light to support us, their hands are tied regarding our reactions, choices, and acceptance of that which is false and harmful.
We are in the midst of a very serious battle, the battle between the forces of light and darkness.  All scriptures speak of the dark influences that delight in changing our mind, emotions, and bodies.  We are targets.  Seriously monitor your thoughts and feelings. Pay attention to everything!  Get involved and bring order into disorder.  When we allow the dark ones to steal our power, their power increases.  We are being targeted.  We are at war.  Come out of your bubble and face what is actually happening.

Shirlee Hall

Saturday, February 4, 2017



A new friend, a woman in her sixties, brought to my attention that she has lived in serious pain for most of her life.  When she was seventeen, she experienced a devastating farm accident.  Her spine was so badly damaged that surgery at that time was risky and she was informed that she could end up in a wheelchair.  She chose to live a life in pain. 
I listened to her story and asked for inner guidance.  An image of her as a Chinese man who had unmercifully beat the back of a serf crippling him flashed in front of me. Not knowing whether the woman believed in past lives really didn’t make a difference.  I simply told her that she had a very ancient memory in her subconscious that required forgiveness from her.  Memory is a judge, a sentence, and a jailer.  The reality of what she had inflicted on someone else was the cause of her constant suffering this life experience.
Without mentioning details, I simply suggested she go alone to her room, pray and forgive herself even though she had no conscious recollection of the cause.  She believed me.  It was that simple.  She accepted with trust what I shared and was free of the excruciating pain that was a daily part of her life for forty-five years.  The spontaneous healing occurred when she was sixty-two.  The beautiful woman continued to live to the age of one hundred and six remaining healthy and free of pain. 
Much love is sent your way,
Shirlee Hall 

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Everyone is aware of a growing negative energy spreading across the planet.  Because of the fear that is being generated, this true story is shared.
We all know that everything is energy.  Most of us are aware of the scientific fact that thoughts and feelings will either help or diminish the health of our cells.  Remember this fact in the days ahead.  The simple experience of my innocently going for a massage treatment when I had just finished handling all the details for my mother’s funeral and property exhausted my normally buoyant energy.  In kindness, a good friend gave me a gift certificate for a massage.  In gratitude, I made an appointment.
It was my first visit and I found the owner to be a gentle person.  Her offices were decorated with angel figurines and candles were lit waiting for my appearance.  As soon as I stepped into her office, I felt an uncomfortable heaviness and knew something was terribly wrong.  Strangely enough, throughout the massage, the feeling worsened.
My mother and a close friend had crossed over, died, the previous week.  Because I was overly tired and stressed from the two funerals, the negative energy in the massage office was felt more strongly than usual.  I was so stunned by how awful I felt that in leaving the office I glanced into a full-length mirror in her entrance hallway.  I actually was checking if it was really me in the body.  Sounds strange, I know, but that is how terrible I felt.
Although it was early in the afternoon, I went home immediately and went to bed.  What I witnessed next would have frightened anyone who had not had my healing background.  A large dark form as wide and deep as half of my bedroom had followed me home.  I immediately began to calmly and lovingly talk to the ominous energy about God’s love.  My observation was that this conglomerate was indeed a collection of energies that had been left in the unsuspecting facility I had just left.  Attempting to see the intruding energy from a higher perspective, I began to send it healing energy.  I focused on the One Power and Presence and concluded with the Lord’s Prayer.
Immediately after saying the prayer, a lightning bolt in the shape of Archangel Michael’s sword suddenly came swiftly from the left side of the room.  The radiant blue-white celestial sword flashed past me aiming directly at the enormous dark form of the intruder.  In a breath, the sword dissipated the darkness.  Evidently, Archangel Michael felt that a stronger action was required than my loving approach.  The heaviness immediately left and all was good.  The following day I called the owner and asked to meet her for a cup of coffee mentioning that I had important suggestions that she needed to include in her service. I also questioned her regarding what had transpired in her offices prior to my arrival.
We all must monitor our emotions, be attentive and do everything in our power to sustain a sense of balance.  I cannot emphasize the importance of this enough.
This true episode can be found in Be- Embracing the Mystery listed in my STORE at