Monday, January 7, 2013


For those of you who cannot join in our once a month Circle of Light classes and meditation, you can go to my web site:  and click on the donation  button posted on the left side of the Home page and request your own copy of the text shared in the most recent class for $9.  January 6th class, “Know Thyself” is now available.  Your email address is required.  Of course, you will not experience the amazing and intimate energy of the presentation but you will have firsthand truth in words that you can study and question if you should so choose.  A CD will be offered later.

The Great Universal White Brotherhood is an alliance of spiritual beings that have already completed their human development.  The classes and workshops that I offer are guides to help human kind in its development on the way to perfection.  The suggestions offered are my effort to encourage you to go deeper and give yourself license to be a true healer.  It is all about being authentic and impeccable and bringing forth your inner being!

In yesterday’s monthly class, I addressed how we can stop suffering.  Below are points to be seriously considered:

1)          No more justifying what you are attached to
2)          Accept Reality as beyond Dualism
3)          Ego is not your Essence
4)          Develop a unified focus
5)          Be conscious and attentive every moment
6)          What do you value most?
7)          Choose each day to be who your really are
8)          Follow through by being responsible
9)          Be clear about your aspirations
10)     Let go of the illusion
11)     Never abdicate your authority
12)     Stop blaming and projecting
13)     Find a balance and work with it
14)     Be willing to be honest and authentic
15)     Become a deep thinker
16)     How do you define yourself?

Perhaps, you need to climb a tree or look again at my tree house meditation in my last book, My Own Tree.  It is winter.  Take time to go into your inner den like a bear and give birth to some new ideas.
Go within and awaken the power but understand, dear friends, that only by bringing the natural sweetness of life consciously out into the open can the honey of life be tasted.

Love, Light and Laughter,

Shirlee Hall


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