Tuesday, February 19, 2013


The average person is caught like so many flies, their energies being sucked by simply trying to survive.

The way of this world is through desire and few souls accept their true spiritual identity.  The best remedy is not to get caught in the web.  It is the ego that is causing the struggle.  We must take every action to free ourselves, but we must be careful in the process of struggling we don't get more caught up in the web and draw the attention of our ego.  In other words, we must take every action to free ourselves, but we must not become egotistical or proud  in the process.

My purpose is to get you to point your finger towards the Living Light and Life within. Everyone must develop a constant contact with the Essence to stop suffering. I am creating a series of classes and workshops that will be very effective in helping you develop profound changes in your body, mind and soul.

Love, Light and Laughter,
details for March 3rd, 1:pm, private home in Naperville  bethemystery@aol.com

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