Monday, February 17, 2014



Shirlee Hall
Shirlee Hall5:03pm Feb 17

Purity is a state of being; it takes eons of space/time to awaken within the conscious mind
Purity is understanding and keeps forever in its consciousness the truth that each is struggling for conscious perfection
Purity is a cleanliness of mind. It does not soil itself with negative thoughts that separate
Purity is kindness and selflessness towards others
Purity is patience in life, the battleground and school for souls
Purity is resting in that which is Unseen, that which we cannot always grasp or comprehend
Purity in matter is a result of long preparation and paving of the Way
Purity is to accept our humanness using commonsense and discernment
Purity is a joy in the comfort of understanding and gratitude
Purity is a true life with purpose, dedication and realization
Purity is humility before holiness. It is known through the awakened heart, the intuitive experience
Purity is the realization that we are purity itself, never separated; the one life, heart, mind pulsating throughout the Universe.
(I wrote the above in the early 1980's.  It is included in my first published book, Circle of Light, 1982)
In harmony,
Shirlee Hall

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