Ever since I could read the printed word and carefully
listened to religious teachers and philosophers expound on how they interpret
universal law, creation and alchemy, I have always asked myself whether they
know the Sublime firsthand. Humanity has
been repeatedly impacted with rules, regulations and tedious suggestions on how
to attain enlightenment. Could
interpretations actually be a ‘back door’ method?
According to ancient and current thinking, Pure Awareness,
Christ or Buddhic Consciousness and the multifarious degrees of Enlightenment
require lifetimes of study, self examination, patience, compassion,
mindfulness, meditation and a wide array of available tools. Love is the golden thread behind the
teaching. It is suggested we have a
physical teacher. A temporary teacher is
very helpful if he has personally experienced everything suggested to the
If persistent, once a soul decides
it has had enough of all the programming, deception, judgment and abuse on many
levels, a genuine and heightened awareness will surface. The meaning of Oneness is finally
understood. When pure intention allows
light to flow into the right channels, desire is good. When our inner reality is harmonious, duality
is good. It is then that we see clearly;
our peace understands and acts.
Suffering is the direct result of
falsity being in charge. If a strong
foundation of real understanding is not established, energy is corrupted. The collective consciousness continues to be
immersed in the illusion of matter. As
souls awaken, everything is understood from a loftier perspective. Even though words are written, Silence is
preferred. The words heard, written and
viewed by the inner Self emanate as the language of Light. Light is a subtle and spirit directed
language. First, a firm and conscious
connection must be established. I’ve
always referred to the connection as a love affair. Being psychic or experiencing the gifts of
Spirit are not a prerequisite.
The ‘front door method’ is a ring
of power encircling our Sacred Breath Healing Workshops and Circle of Light
monthly classes. Many people are healed physically, emotionally, mentally and
spiritually. The greatest healing is
spontaneous and natural; it occurs when the participant inwardly decides he is
ready to be the grander Self in matter.
The process is triggered by a higher form of surrender. Why not establish a celestial consciousness
in matter? Why not live as a conscious example of the inner divinity? Why wait?
Waiting is reluctance prompted by fear. Thousands are ready to sound the
trumpet. Although willing, there may be
a magical note missing in the song they have created. Intuitively, feelings are
true and hearts are in the ‘right’ place and yet, they have not fully
surrendered. Surrender is a choice. Surrender is a focused unconditional love
powerfully trusting, knowing, watching and participating in life from the view
of the Sublime.
harmony, Shirlee Hall 6-2-14
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