Everyone is aware of a growing negative energy spreading across the planet. Because of the fear that is being generated, this true story is shared.
We all know that everything is energy. Most of us are aware of the scientific fact that thoughts and feelings will either help or diminish the health of our cells. Remember this fact in the days ahead. The simple experience of my innocently going for a massage treatment when I had just finished handling all the details for my mother’s funeral and property exhausted my normally buoyant energy. In kindness, a good friend gave me a gift certificate for a massage. In gratitude, I made an appointment.
It was my first visit and I found the owner to be a gentle person. Her offices were decorated with angel figurines and candles were lit waiting for my appearance. As soon as I stepped into her office, I felt an uncomfortable heaviness and knew something was terribly wrong. Strangely enough, throughout the massage, the feeling worsened.
My mother and a close friend had crossed over, died, the previous week. Because I was overly tired and stressed from the two funerals, the negative energy in the massage office was felt more strongly than usual. I was so stunned by how awful I felt that in leaving the office I glanced into a full-length mirror in her entrance hallway. I actually was checking if it was really me in the body. Sounds strange, I know, but that is how terrible I felt.
Although it was early in the afternoon, I went home immediately and went to bed. What I witnessed next would have frightened anyone who had not had my healing background. A large dark form as wide and deep as half of my bedroom had followed me home. I immediately began to calmly and lovingly talk to the ominous energy about God’s love. My observation was that this conglomerate was indeed a collection of energies that had been left in the unsuspecting facility I had just left. Attempting to see the intruding energy from a higher perspective, I began to send it healing energy. I focused on the One Power and Presence and concluded with the Lord’s Prayer.
Immediately after saying the prayer, a lightning bolt in the shape of Archangel Michael’s sword suddenly came swiftly from the left side of the room. The radiant blue-white celestial sword flashed past me aiming directly at the enormous dark form of the intruder. In a breath, the sword dissipated the darkness. Evidently, Archangel Michael felt that a stronger action was required than my loving approach. The heaviness immediately left and all was good. The following day I called the owner and asked to meet her for a cup of coffee mentioning that I had important suggestions that she needed to include in her service. I also questioned her regarding what had transpired in her offices prior to my arrival.
We all must monitor our emotions, be attentive and do everything in our power to sustain a sense of balance. I cannot emphasize the importance of this enough.
This true episode can be found in Be- Embracing the Mystery listed in my STORE at www.behealedforever.com