Wednesday, July 9, 2014




Sunday, July 20th, 2:00 pm, at Sohmar Massage School in Downers Grove
                                                  515 Ogden Avenue, Suite 300     SE corner of Ogden and  Douglas.  Parking south side of building
Cost: $65

The earth, all her creatures need rejuvenation on every level.  The Platinum ray cleanses and restores.  It is a very high frequency.  I call on the Seraphim and Elohim when inviting the Platinum Ray.

Many of us have experienced a vision of the Platinum Ray - unconditional love.  On a lesser level of observation,  it is similar to looking or having a vision of laser light.  The Platinum Cosmic Ray is actually a cosmic light that has already begun to emit a frequency of harmonic unity consciousness. It feels as if we are being propelled through an opening into another language, a stargate of knowledge.  The sublime Ray originates at a multi-universal level.

It definitely is time to merge all the past memories into the Eternal Now. The afternoon of the 20th, Saturn turns direct. This afternoon and the Ray that is available will bring forth a reality check for each of us in terms of what is working and what is not.  It's time to resolve things and move on. Saturn focuses in like a laser beam surgery and with the calling of the Platinum Ray. we will definitely take another step forward and leave our past behind.

For additional information: please either email Shirlee

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